Monday, August 26, 2013


1)obesity-condition of being 
very fat and over weight
2)accumulate-to gather or collect Into a heap
3)mass-a collection of incoherent particles, parts, or objects 
4)disease-a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system 
5)diet-a particular selection of food, especially as designed or prescribed to improve a person's physical condition or to prevent or treat a disease
prevalence-widespread, occurrance
6)stigma-a mark of disgrace or infamy; as on ones reputation 
prevent(able)-to keep from occurring in the first place 
7)-growing to manhood or womanhood; youthful
8)cardiovascular-pertaining to, or affecting the heart and blood vessels
9)excessive-going beyond the usual, necessary, or proper limit-appropriate boundary, area
10)mechanism-an assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion
11)sedentary-accustomed to sit or rest a great deal or to take little exercise.
12)predispose-to render subject, susceptible, or liable
13)syndrome-a group of symptoms that together are characteristic of a specific disorder, disease

Sunday, August 25, 2013




Who is to blame for all these deaths due to obesity, some say it is our "own choices" and others strongly debate it's the "Fast Food Companies fault for the deaths of Americans. There is a major war going on in America as we speak, a rising epidemic that is getting known to be known as a "silent killer" and it's name is obesity. Though it takes thousands of lives due to it's life threatening complications, it's one of the easiest diseases to prevent from ever happening in the first place. 
     Many people in the public believe that instead of blaming fast food companies causing obesity in America, we should blame "ourselves". When we walk into a fast food resturant such as Mcdonalds, we are choosing to eat there. You as a customer should take full responsibilty for making your own choices. You cannot blame anyone but your own self for gaining weight and becoming obese. Fast food industries only design marketing skills to get you to eat their product, but it's your decision whether you eat their garbage. Many people are fully convinced fast food restuarants are not to be blamed for the leading cause of obesity in America, but we should get a better perspective on what they contribute to the cause.
     Fast food companies do not do a real good job on telling you what the heck you are eating or being fed. For all you know it could be total crap with flavor so at least it taste good, but at the end of the day it is still crap being digested into your own body. If you would of known that fast food was high in sodium, trans fat, and sugar would you of eaten it in the first place? Why can't their be healthy fast food instead of heart disease, kidney cancer food? The problem is their are fast food chains at every corner, so constantly seeing food will of course constantly make you hungry. There has been many law suits and complaints to spread awareness on the dangers of fast food but the companies have done a very well executed job to cover those issues up.Why? Because if the public was more aware of the dangers of fast food they would not eat it via fast food chains go out of buisness.
    It's very clear there is no pro what so ever to obesity. Obesity can or will lead to high cholestral, heart disease, kidney failure, high blood pressure and or death. But the only way to avoid these issues is by our choices or to avoid fast food chains. What can we possibly do to end this rising epidemic before it takes one of our own family, friend's life. The answer is simple. We as a nation need to spread awareness across America so that every individual is aware that what they eat, what's fueling their body is the poison that could kill them.


In the article " The Blame Game" it talked about how we should not be blaming fast food chains for obesity but ourselves. We are the individuals who chose what to put the food on our plate not them. So you can quickly infer it's all their (fast food companies) fault, but not exactly. Before the law suits and complaints, fast food companies did not do a good enough effort on telling the public what their feeding them. Most people walked in the resturant and walk out having no idea their meal consists of high sodium, fat, and sugar. Which comes to the conclusion we all have a part of the blame but instead of blaming each other let us start by making better choices. Educating ourselves on what is good to eat and what is bad. Cause at the end of the day you are what you eat, so know what your eating!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

       This video gave out a lot of good factual information relating to your health. Out of the 15 top causes of death in america, 6 of those are health related due to your choices! But we come to ask ourselves well how do I prevent from becoming sick so I won't die. Well the answer is easy, avoid getting sick in the first place. What was your diet before walking into that doctors office? How much sleep were you getting? Did you exercise knowing it could potentially boost your immune system three to five times more efficient! Did you know that neglecting all these factors could lead to you getting sick. yes there is a chance of you getting sick by doing these things but just by addressing these topics of your health can help reduce the risk of you getting ill. If you ate more natural foods rich with antioxidants(strawberries,apples,oranges,etc.), got a little more rest, and exercised just a little more(30min) you could potentially never have to walk into the doctors office again. Becoming more aware of the fact that your body is a fine tuned machine that requires special attention is crucial. Just think about it, if you don't take care of your body now I'm afraid you may be fat, over weight, diabetic, stressed but most of all not happy. It will come to the question of how did I let myself go? what caused this to happen? All these questions and situations can be prevented if you just took a little more time to take care of your body. We have all been affected by it and can talk about a self experience were a family member died shortly due to bad health. Over 34 percent of Americans are obese, 17 percent are teenagers. Let's start now to end this epidemic, this silent killer.
       Look more into for additional information.

Vocabulary #1

expository: explanatory, to state in detail,
composition: the act of combing parts or elements to form a whole
assuage: to make milder or less severe, relieve, ease
decadence: the act or process of falling into a inferior condition or state
hackneyed: made commonplace or trite, trend, outdated
coalition: group or alliance
transcend: to rise above or go beyond
meritorious: deserving praise or reward
lurid: gruesome, horrible, revolting
petulant: impatient, irritation, over something of annoyance

  1. I wrote an expository essay after reading the book, "Malcom X".
  2. With all the vegetables given to me, I composed a very delicious stir fry.
  3. After breaking my arm my mother tried to assuage the pain by singing me a song.
  4. The decadence of peer pressure on William influenced him to draw a vulgar lyric on the wall.
  5. Those shoes are so hackneyed, go buy some news ones.
  6. Let's form a coalition of freshman to start a food fight in the cafeteria.
  7.  My friends ego has gotten to him, he feels his intelligence has transcended over everyone's in the class.
  8. I was given a meritorisou applause after saving Gabbi from falling on her face.
  9. What is that lurid smell? I am about to vomit all over your face
  10. Your facial expressions are causing be to become petulant, pretty close to slapping you.


-In order to validate your opinion you need support ( evidence)
- World doesn't make sense
ex. You have the right to do what ever you want with your body, yet you can't do drugs
- Big people make little people even smaller
-Waiting for reason, the right answer, truth even though our opinion is wrong
-We love to be right even in fact we are wrong. ignorance
-Should be more considerate to others opinions
-Know your rights, what they can impose
- You have the right to have your opinion heard
-Why do we care so much for our opinion to be heard?
- Lack of critical thinking in society
Limbic: emotion, defense to your claim
Intelectual: Sophisticated, social mammals, depend on relationships

Monday, August 19, 2013


1) As for computer and internet access I would rate "fair",my laptop is really slow and my family is always on my computer. I am pretty involved in my family and most of the time they get upset when I choose to do homework than spend time with them, which leads to unwanted conflicts. That's as far as I'll go when it comes to describing my family issues.

2) My 6th through 8th grade AVID teacher Mr. Reynoso changed my life. He taught me how even though you have struggles in your life there are much more unfortunate human beings in the world who have it worse. He gave me a new approach on life, how to be more appreciative with what I have. He had our class play a line game where he would split the class in two with a long piece of tape. He then would ask all of us a question and if the question applies to you then you walk to the line. It got pretty intense and the game even made him emotional. I had no idea what was going on but it made my classroom stronger as a whole and more aware of the problems in the class.

3) I guess I'm pretty stoked about the blogger. I really like the idea/concept of open source learning its really effective as will be the next step to dinamacially improving education. With the knowledge I gain in this class will give me the tools to become a better student, individual, and citizen in everyday life.


Here are five resources to find non fiction books. These websites have reviews, descriptions, and reccomendations to help you find the book you wish to read. Hope you found these useful!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

What is Expository Compososition?

(According to

Expository: Of the nature of exposition, serving to expound, set forth, or explain: an expository essay, writing
Composition: The act of combining parts or elements to form a whole

So looking at these two definitions didn't really aid me much into the meaning of expository writing. But after some quick research I found expository writing is a type of writing used to inform people or give information on a certain topic they believe already have some knowledge on. (

My Big Question!!

Why do teenagers try so hard to fit into high school knowing it good affect their future?
Party or Homework????

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


The quote translates to: "He who has begun is half done: dare to be wise! Make a beginning"

What it means is even though your Senior for example, almost done with high school, doesn't mean you cannot start a new beginning or change to your life! Making good decisions starts today. Do not be afraid to take chances but take chances with good judgement. Once out of grade school your life actually starts, be ready to be wise!!